Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Lets dance in the rain

We ended the week with a party dedicated to those that had awful times with the Hurricane
so we got on our gum boots our umbrellas and danced on the beach .
through out the 3 hours of a brilliant set from our King Dj Mat fini, playing a well put together set from Pop to rnb to dubstep a huge range of genres but always immaculate put together, with a variety of requests coming in  he will bring them into his set with ease , he is not like your average second life dj as he is mixing on real decks live using omg dare I say it records soo with that slight scratchy old school sound you get with vinyl  we all danced our little hearts out 
 As we danced the water levels rose  till we were under water but hey we immortal soo don't worry we were all fine and happy and laughing our way tho with the usual banter that comes from us moon heads all together.
Dj Mat Fini  his girl the Duchess Sandra , Val in duck mode and Hazy looking on at the craziness hehehehhe

Hazy trying her magic to make the sun shine

sam and her guy dance with  gum boots,umbrella at her side in case more rain comes

The Moon heads party on the flooded land
We do welcome any one to our sim we have a pretty sim with many diffrent elements to it , when you tp in pick up the lm hud and start exploring many couple dance thingies around the sim and a continuous stream if noone is djing, we have 3 to 4 parties a week monday is usually matal and rock night in the tunnel club in the ghetto, wednesday Hip Hop , dubstep and grime night we all love our Hip Hop Hump day which is at the main stage in the centre of the Ghetto, friday is theme night for Fmc ( Full Moon Club)the prize for best dressed what ever the theme is that week is usually over 1000l nearer 2000l split between the top three and saturday is if there a few around wanting some good music some one will hijack the stream for an impromptu  party and that could be any where on sim:))

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Ok am gonna start with a whole load of family pictures

Willow and Cait  sitting at a royals meeting 

Dbloc our prince
We are a family of vampires ,Lycans and humans we are close we love to party to a huge different genre of music as there is so many of us and a diverse bunch so we try and cater for all.
WE have strong belief that not to judge others as second life is a place to come and explore your self so is important we don't judge what people decide to do as long as it is not  upsetting any one hurting any one then we embrace it.
The system that we play is Bloodlines and this is a vampire game and throught bloodlines there are many clans made up usually where u have the royals that are the leaders and the influence of the clan and the ones to make the decisions , this is the case for us we have a King and Queen , prince and princess count and countess and guardians every role is important to help make the sim move smoothly .
we also have others that help like family that can dj or build or make clothes and then in any way or any thing any clan member can bring some thing to clan we embrace it and encourage each to find there niche in clan,  we want members to try out there ideas some will work some might not but to come to us with there ideas and we try and help to make these things happen .
We have a full moon club which is on the main sim  a pretty club where we have a themed party every friday which is clan night Our King Mat Fini will dj and maybe some one before him and usually some one after, but is a night we like any one and every one to come to as we a lot of friends who are not in clan but we love them to come we not the kind of clan that only clan members allowed on sim as any one is welcome at any time to come hang out or have a  time with there partner in  one of the cuddle areas , dance on a couple ball as there is always music on the radio stream at all times We play Bloodlines war also we have arena designated just for that with radars in so all soldiers get mesage if if another army member comes looking for a fight or to take our pylons , is essential that soldiers are ready to drop what ever they are doing to go and fight  at any time as another soldier from another army can arrive at any time unexpectedly.
The is the ghetto where we have stores for a really reasonable price so any one can sell there wears , things they have made or what ever it happens to be , I think at the moment we have gestures , clothing labeled  t -shirts, weapons ,we party a lot during the week and at week end in the ghetto and tends to be more underground music .

Queen Hazy and Countess Pinkster geting some bass
 we have a zombie killing skybox where u can use any weapons and just go and kill them for fun or u can buy a cheap hud and get on the leader board for who has the highest score for killing zombies , i happen to hate them and they just eat me all the time so tend to stay well clear!!
Feel that bass Pinkster
On the main sim we have a designated lycan area which is just a hang out , there is the lycan turning area , there is the lycan cave that is made up of a wolf head with cuddle rugs inside, outside is a fire with sitting cushions for single or for couples  also there is the lycan pool which has poses for the huge lycan avis and humans both so is a great place to hang out this is all based in the forest at the back of the main sim.

random chicken on one the war bases
We also have the beach which we often party on and is a nice hang out and u can see in some the pictures how mice our beach is.
We do rentals on the main sim , in the ghetto and most people opt to go for there own skybox in the air so basically u can have what ever it is u want up there, on the condition your careful not to go over your prim and scripts as each sim in second life we are allocated a certain amount of prim usage so we have to monitor all this carefully.
Dbloc teaching Hazy to use her magic hud Bella  being Guinea pig

King mat Fini and Countess Sandra Fini

lil cuppy

Dbloc dealing with greifers in the kings house

lol they are now delt with

Hazy getting them all dancing in bloodlines

Hazy and mirja dancing in the ghetto

our geourgous sim

Partying in the ghetto

Prince Dbloc and His girl Countess Pinkster

Countess Whitney with her new freinds

Beach party

King Mat Fini djs for us all

snaps from the masqurade ball

Bella dies now hazy getting to grips with her magic hud
queen hazy seeing wassup in bloodlines
Prince Dbloc